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Debate Physically disciplining children


Off The Mark

Oct 6, 2023
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What are your thoughts on parents physically disciplining children? Is it an acceptable form of punishment? Why or why not?
I don’t agree with spanking with the exception being if they REALLY crossed the line. I prefer to tell them what they did wrong, why it is wrong. And provide a consequence like bed without dinner and such. That is more effective.
If you spank them for every wrongdoing it teaches them to do whatever they have to do to avoid another spanking. Keeping secrets, lying etc. not good
I was spanked as a child, and honestly I view it as a form of abuse. Sure it got me to stop whatever I was doing, but it hurt like hell.
It’s lazy parenting and your children may potentially start resenting you. There are other ways to discipline your children, it just requires a little effort. My dad hit me a lot as a kid and while I don’t resent him, it certainly didn’t bring me any closer to him.
It's fine if it's done by normal people in normal ways. For instance, I don't advocate wife beating types smacking the back of the head.

Anyway, some kids are mean and no doubt cause authority figures are too soft.
I'm definitely against it. It does nothing but teach kids that physical violence is the way to solve conflict.

My parents never raised a hand at me, and I'm pretty sure I'm a well adjusted middle age man.
I'm definitely against it. It does nothing but teach kids that physical violence is the way to solve conflict.

My parents never raised a hand at me, and I'm pretty sure I'm a well adjusted middle age man.
I don't agree that it always teaches kids that violence is OK. Anyway, as I was saying, certain psychos abuse parental authority, and unfortunately, would be big supporters of corporal punishment.
I don't agree that it always teaches kids that violence is OK. Anyway, as I was saying, certain psychos abuse parental authority, and unfortunately, would be big supporters of corporal punishment.
So it's okay to beat your kids as long as the parents are not psychotic?

Why can't the parents talk to their kids? Why does it have to go right to getting spanked? And at what age? Why do you not spank a baby? But suddenly it's okay at whatever age? The formative years for a child is around 3 - 4. if I understand it correctly. After that, personality doesn't change a lot. So going around beating your kids for every little thing isn't going to do anything but cause trauma later in life.

Why does everyone say "Spare the rod, spoil the child"? Has there been a wide, carefully done case study? I am one of 5 kids, we were not spanked in any way, and we are all loving, kind, gentle people.
So it's okay to beat your kids as long as the parents are not psychotic?

Why can't the parents talk to their kids? Why does it have to go right to getting spanked? And at what age? Why do you not spank a baby? But suddenly it's okay at whatever age? The formative years for a child is around 3 - 4. if I understand it correctly. After that, personality doesn't change a lot. So going around beating your kids for every little thing isn't going to do anything but cause trauma later in life.

Why does everyone say "Spare the rod, spoil the child"? Has there been a wide, carefully done case study? I am one of 5 kids, we were not spanked in any way, and we are all loving, kind, gentle people.

A lot of punks when I was in school. You're telling me a whipping wouldn't have helped? Well, the problem with opponents of corporal punishment is a bad view of human nature.
I was spanked as a child when I was out of line and verbal reprimands did not work, and I turned out OK! I was not physically abused and I didn't have marks in my body when spanked but for sure, being spanked meant I F*ed up biiig time!!! Did it work? YES! I certainly thought about it twice next time I wanted to run my mouth and be disrespectful.
I was spanked as a child when I was out of line and verbal reprimands did not work, and I turned out OK! I was not physically abused and I didn't have marks in my body when spanked but for sure, being spanked meant I F*ed up biiig time!!! Did it work? YES! I certainly thought about it twice next time I wanted to run my mouth and be disrespectful.
Well all kids are not the same. However, some are incredibly rotten for whatever reason (boys will be boys etc.) and they just have to be spanked. I mean, look at the family breakdown leading to America's huge prison population.

Anyway, I wasn't spanked, but I'm not like all kids. I mean, I wasn't a weakling or anything, but I just wasn't that aggressive.
I of course respect everyone's opinion in this thread. There is clearly no right or wrong answer here. I am biased in my view, however, because my g/f was severely "disciplined" as a child, usually for very minor things, and now has extreme PTSD. There was absolutely no need for that.....
I of course respect everyone's opinion in this thread. There is clearly no right or wrong answer here. I am biased in my view, however, because my g/f was severely "disciplined" as a child, usually for very minor things, and now has extreme PTSD. There was absolutely no need for that.....
In that case, it was abuse. It wasn't normal.people punishing her. That goes back to my point.
Never acceptable. I've never physically disciplined my boys. The only time I have had to get hands on is to stop them from killing each other (they're 2 and 5!). There's a huge amount of research into the negative effects of hitting your children.

Research links physical punishment to risks of harm to children’s cognitive, behavioural, social and emotional development. A meta-analysis involving over 160,000 children found that physical punishment can carry the risk of physical abuse (causing a physical injury) and can have similar negative outcomes for children: mental health and emotional challenges, lower cognitive ability, lower self-esteem, more aggression, more antisocial behaviour and negative relationships with parents.Other studies and reviews have added that stress from physical punishment for children can negatively affect their brain development. In addition, physical discipline can quickly and unintentionally escalate to abuse.
The sad part is that no one considered it abuse. 😔
Yeah, it's sad the culture pretty much can give a green light to it and, of course, the abusers will probably use an excuse like, "What? Do you want me to be soft?".
Yeah, it's sad the culture pretty much can give a green light to it and, of course, the abusers will probably use an excuse like, "What? Do you want me to be soft?".

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