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Love at first sight?

It kind of works. I know people who liked each other on their first meeting and are still together. They kind of share the same vibe and wavelength.

It is rare though, most people fake it.
It happens but it is not something that is common. It happens once in every 100 incidents of love at first sight. Most love at first sights always wanes after a few months because that tingling would suddenly disappear.
In my opinion, I think that love at first sight is a fallacy. What we experience at first sight is merely an attraction. And it is when we get to know the person way past the physical appearance that we start to fall in love with them.
I believe it's wiser to take time getting to know someone before giving your heart fully. Initial attraction can blind us to potential incompatibilities. By going slowly and observing how someone acts in different situations over time, you gain a deeper understanding of their values, communication style, and life goals.
I don't think that what we feel in the first time is not actually love. It takes time for real love to develop. But one can feel attraction at first, after which love can develop.

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