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How to stay motivated when starting out?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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When I was studying, it was very difficult for me to constantly learn and acquire new knowledge, because you understand that after this, if you complete the task, there will be another one, and then again and so on for the next 3-5 years. I experienced very sharp ups and downs
If you have a goal, you can get enough motivation. For instance, if you are working on something and the work rewards you with money, focusing on the monetary aspect of your work will give you motivation to work in the project. Avoiding digital distractions also greatly helps you to remain focused.
One way to constantly stay motivated is to always remember why you started. There is definitely a reason as to why you started whatever it is you are doing. Let that reason be the fuel that pushes you.
This is an effective method, but it does not work for a long time and after several failures it seems that the goal you set for yourself is not necessary and you want to either just quit or start something else
Starting something new can be daunting, but staying motivated is key. Set achievable goals and celebrate small wins along the way. Surround yourself with supportive people who believe in you. Visualize your long-term vision and remind yourself why you started. When you hit roadblocks, reframe challenges as opportunities for growth.
When you gather all the available knowledge that you can gather about a particular thing before starting out, it would help you to start with confidence and push through with dogged determination.
I am aware that picking up new skills might be challenging. This is something that everyone goes through in school. Having targets is the best way to stay motivated. Set some realistic goals first, and then challenge yourself with the more difficult ones. In order to save my children from suffering like I did, I have always taught them this crucial lesson.
When you gather all the available knowledge that you can gather about a particular thing before starting out, it would help you to start with confidence and push through with dogged determination.
That's true, going through the proper training does help build your morals and help you stay confident. These days a lot of people do not like taking out time to actually learn.
I was very good at studies and was always eager to learn more and to get better every day was my motivation but with time I have slowed down and now I am not much interested in learning new things

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