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Ask Kyng



Sep 28, 2023
Reaction score
Go ahead and ask me questions :) !
What’s your favourite food?
One of those questions I give different answers to depending on how I'm feeling at the time :p !

But, right now, I'm in a pizza mood. Ideally, a Neapolitan pizza from one of my local pizzerias :) .
Summer or winter?
Winter, because it has Christmas :p .

(With that being said, I find that the lead-up to Christmas is often more exciting than the day itself... perhaps it's a "Wanting is better than having" sort of thing!)
Winter, because it has Christmas :p .

(With that being said, I find that the lead-up to Christmas is often more exciting than the day itself... perhaps it's a "Wanting is better than having" sort of thing!)
How do you celebrate Christmas?
How do you celebrate Christmas?
Opening presents, and having a Christmas dinner (which usually consists of scampi, since I've never been especially keen on turkey).

I'll also go out for a meal some time around the day (but not on the day itself).

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