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Do you learn from movies?


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Apr 30, 2024
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Do you ever see a movie and then forget the lesson it teaches? Ironically, we see movies that impart lessons to us, yet we fail to implement them in our daily lives. What proportion of it, you use it in your daily lives?
Yes I am a movie lover and I tend to watch a lot of movies from different genres. Even the so called action movies, there are certain things you can learn from them if you actually pay attention to the plot itself and not just the action scenes.
I think its common for all of us to forget what the movie has taught us but there are times its better to forget as these movies are just a work of fiction and not reality
I always try to learn from every movie that I get to see. That's why you won't really see me watch any movies that doesn't have an enthralling story line from online reviews. Movies are meant to entertain and educate as well.
It's good if we can learn at least a few things from movies and that's why movies should taught good things and not evil things
If I'm being honest, there are not many movies out there that actually teach good lessons. So whenever I watch a movie, I just watch it for fun of entertainment. But if I see a few sensible ones, I try to pick out tangible lessons from them.
There were movies from Amir khan that taught us to follow our passion and our parents should also cooperate us and let us follow our dreams
I think its common for all of us to forget what the movie has taught us but there are times its better to forget as these movies are just a work of fiction and not reality
It depends, for most movies though they are work of friction, but they still teach or talk about what is happening in the world today. I have learnt a lot from movies about different issues such as trust, never giving up, hope, love and so on.
There were movies from Amir khan that taught us to follow our passion and our parents should also cooperate us and let us follow our dreams
Indeed, I learned great lessons from all of his movies that I have watched. He was such a good actor and very versatile, he killed all of his roles in those different movies.
I watch historical movies and it teaches me man's inhumanity to man. It shows me what we are capable of when the rule of law is sidelined, and the thin veneer of civilization has been removed.
Make no mistake, we are nothing more than highly evolved primates, and we do *NOT* have a soul.
There were movies from Amir khan that taught us to follow our passion and our parents should also cooperate us and let us follow our dreams
Yes, that is a great movie. It was all about how the kids are forced by their parents to study what the parents want and not what the kids want. I have always liked that movie. I am inspired by these movies; that's why I allowed my son to take whatever stream he wanted. I didn't compel him to take "science" or anything.
And the irony is in another movie Dangal he was forcing his daughters to be wrestlers and achieve his dream LOL
I learn from historical movies. It might take many weeks to read a history books which I wan watch on a movie by spending a couple of hours. I also learn from the movies that are based on literary works. Movies made on serious topics always help me to learn
Movies do have messages that can help us learn and actually movies should have some message or learning for the society so that youth can learn from it
And the irony is in another movie Dangal he was forcing his daughters to be wrestlers and achieve his dream LOL

Not only he achieves his goal but her daughters too,as they also made it their aim. I learned from "Chak de India" too that we should never lose hope. There is nothing which is impossible in this world.
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Naruto was my first anime I ever watched and I learnt a lot from it. One of the things I learnt was that the the moment you begin to doubt your own beliefs it would be hard to keep pushing. I learnt the value of friendship, hard work and never giving up.

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