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If you were dying, would you worry about this?



Mar 28, 2024
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If I were dying, I wouldn't worry about the small stuf. the unfinished tasks, the unmet expectations, or the unfulfilled desires. I'd let go of the need for control and perfection. Instead, I'd focus on the love I've shared, the memories I've made, and the moments that truly mattered. I'd cherish the time with loved ones, forgive myself and others, and find peace in the present. In the end, it's not what I accomplished, but how I loved and lived that would truly count.

If you were dying, would you worry about this?
The questions should be would you even have the time to worry about anything if you are dying. Death can come unexpectedly at the time you least expect, so there's no time to rewind your life activities and start to worry about something here and there.
I don't really think someone who is dying would have the time to start worrying about things. The only thing I see them doing here is to put their family in order and prepare them for their departure.
The questions should be would you even have the time to worry about anything if you are dying. Death can come unexpectedly at the time you least expect, so there's no time to rewind your life activities and start to worry about something here and there.
What he was trying to say is that if you had a particular timeline that you knew you would die. What would you spend the last days worrying about? For me, I would just think about if I had left a positive posterity. If I have, I would die a happy person.
What he was trying to say is that if you had a particular timeline that you knew you would die. What would you spend the last days worrying about? For me, I would just think about if I had left a positive posterity. If I have, I would die a happy person.
Oh, okay I get it. Well, I still stand by what I said. If I knew that I will die, I will not spend the time remaining worrying about things that I would not be able to change. Instead, I will try as much as possible to enjoy the remaining time I have left, spend it with family and friends and do the things that I love.
If it's certain I am going to die in a few days, then I will nominate my wife for whatever property and money I have in my bank account. I will ask my loved ones to come to my house to meet me for the last time.
If it's certain I am going to die in a few days, then I will nominate my wife for whatever property and money I have in my bank account. I will ask my loved ones to come to my house to meet me for the last time.
That first part is absolutely necessary. You wouldn't want a situation where everything you own will be taken away from her, and she will be left with nothing of value.
People that are lucky to know they are dying soon have the rare privilege of setting their house in order before transiting to the great beyond. If I know I am dying in the next few weeks, I would desire to have all friends and loved ones under one roof for at least 5 days to relish the love.
People that are lucky to know they are dying soon have the rare privilege of setting their house in order before transiting to the great beyond. If I know I am dying in the next few weeks, I would desire to have all friends and loved ones under one roof for at least 5 days to relish the love.
5 days is even too small for me. I will do it for 2 weeks haha! But as it stands, we mostly don't know when we will die, which is why we should try to live a life worth praising.
5 days is even too small for me. I will do it for 2 weeks haha! But as it stands, we mostly don't know when we will die, which is why we should try to live a life worth praising.
Some people actually know when they would die. I know of a cancer patient that already knows she won't live beyond July and she is positive about it. There are people that are just old too and know that their time is near.
That first part is absolutely necessary. You wouldn't want a situation where everything you own will be taken away from her, and she will be left with nothing of value.

That's true!!

I won't want my family to have nothing in their hands if I am not in this world. In most of the things I have made "nominee" as my wife or one of my kids, there are still a still a few things that have to be modified.
Some people actually know when they would die. I know of a cancer patient that already knows she won't live beyond July and she is positive about it. There are people that are just old too and know that their time is near.
Yes that's true, for most of them, it seems they tend to feel it before hand.
That's true!!

I won't want my family to have nothing in their hands if I am not in this world. In most of the things I have made "nominee" as my wife or one of my kids, there are still a still a few things that have to be modified.
That is how it should be. After you, your wife and kids are your immediate family, so one should make necessary preparations for them to continue to live a comfortable life even after one is gone.
I agree, but everywhere they ask for the declaration, Everywhere, you have to mention the name of the nominee. I opened a bank account when I was unmarried, and the nominee was my mother at the time, but after marriage, I had to get it changed.
Every person has a different way to deal with things, mostly we would like to accomplish the things which we haven't when we are nearing our death bed
Every person has a different way to deal with things, mostly we would like to accomplish the things which we haven't when we are nearing our death bed
That's why I usually say that if I knew when I will die, I will draft out a very long list of things to do before the time comes.
I do not know when I will die, most people do not know ahead of time, for that reason we should all have our affairs in order. I have 2 life insurances, a pension and a will, they all get reviewed often to make sure everything is up to date. For example, in the last 20 years I have had to change my beneficiaries twice. In the event of my untimely dearh, I want to make sure my loved ones are taken care of and there is no question where my assets go.

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