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Debate Climate change


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Sep 23, 2023
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What are your thoughts on climate change? Do you think it is as serious as we’re told to believe or is it exaggerated? How will climate change affect our lives in the future, if at all?
While I don't jump on the global warming/ climate change bandwagon all the way, the Earth has been through lulls before, I DO know the way us humans are treating the Earth, it has sped up the process. Animals & humans have been thrown out of whack.
The “green” movement is not to help the environment but to line Bigwigs pockets. Same with "greenwashing". Companies promote eco products not because they believe in it but because it's the "in" thing.
Even if we get rid of, say, plastic, we will never be rid of the microplastics already in the environment.
One can only do the best they can to keep themselves & their families as healthy as they can in this toxic world.
There's definitely global warming going on. I mean, it's not cool to say in the Bible Belt USA where I'm at, but it's undeniable. It's just "cause and effect"; you burn and so it traps in the heat. Well, are people denying the ozone layer thing too? 😏
There's a serious climate change going on now. The way the sun is causing heat now is very frightening. The ozone layer is almost depleted which is why everywhere is hot.
I feel climate change is a pressing issue currently with significant consequences. The scientific consensus supports its severity, and it will undoubtedly impact our lives. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and ecological disruptions are just some of the potential outcomes. Taking action to mitigate and adapt to climate change is crucial for our future.
If people are careless about the environment then it could lead to pollution which is behind these bad climate changes in the world. It could be by lower degree if at least there is less pollution of the air or people don't place trash like businesses and manufacturers.
I like that people are discussing this topic. The weather cycle has been disrupted badly.

They say that the atmosphere was very clear duing pandemic. Which says a lot .
Climate change is real and it is very serious, even more than what we have made it to be. The seasons in my own country has completely been altered. The world is getting more hotter as the years roll by. Climate change is something that we need to take very seriously.
I think it is serious, and it's possible it could even be more serious than what we are hearing. I have noticed the abnormal changes in the weather in my country alone
There's no way that a society can keep raising its consumption levels in a world with limited resources. The only way is to redefine what necessity means and realize what our true needs
We are all born to die anyway. So if we die from old age or because of climate change what possible difference does it make ha*ha! I don't worry about either one, do you?
As for old age, while it's a natural part of life, many people do have concerns about the quality of life and health as they age

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