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Recent content by Nomad

  1. Nomad

    Information Apology for Downtime and Update on DiscussionHub.net

    I had an impression that it was DDoS. Thankfully, it was nothing of that sort.
  2. Nomad

    Have you ever been a victim of a natural disaster?

    No, that was in 2015. I remember the Kedarnath incident. It was such a tragedy. Earthquakes are still common here. The last one occurred a couple of months ago and over 50 people were killed and hundreds of houses were destroyed.. They say tectonic plates are moving, so earthquakes are becoming...
  3. Nomad

    Movies Foreign Movies

    The movie is about a guy who wants to do specialization on Ortho but ends up in a Gyno department where the female doctors start making fun of him. It is a hilarious movie with some serious overtures. The movie is available on youtube, you can watch with a subtitle.
  4. Nomad

    Debate Islam is the truth

    I think every religious books have some false teachings. Whether you are Muslim, Christian, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, or any religions you will find that not all words are 100 percent correct in the theologies. If you want I can debate on this topic.
  5. Nomad

    Debate Hunting

    I eat meat, does this mean I should also enjoy killing animals for fun. If you enjoy meat, can you also watch animals dying in front of you? Don't you think we should make dying less painful for animals if you are eating them. As for insects and other species, it can be confusing, for instance...
  6. Nomad

    Movies Foreign Movies

    There are Hindi speaking communities in the country but the language is not officially accepted in the constitution. Therefore, technically Hindi is a foreign language for us. Interestingly, Bollywood movies are widely watched in the country. I also frequently watch Bollywood movies and the last...
  7. Nomad

    Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do it – stay motivated!

    Do not look outside for motivation, look inside for motivation. Do not try to find motivation from other people, trust yourself, have a goal and motivate yourself. If you lack self esteem and lack motivation, build skills and knowledge so that you get a boost in confidence level.
  8. Nomad

    Ways to conquer people in life?

    I do not have a lot of time to mend people, why should I deal with people who don't trust me or who are lying to me. I do not see a necessity of making people realize their mistakes. I would take myself away from people who are arrogant, always arguing, or who lie.
  9. Nomad

    How To Deal With Critical People

    I have one simple rule, just ignore them. There are already a lot of problems in our life, and why should we put pressure on ourselves by dealing with people are always critical. I keep myself away from negative people. I do not want to deal with any kind of negativity.
  10. Nomad

    How To Move On From a Heartbreak

    This never happened to me but if I had gone through heart break, I would have mended my heart by falling in love with another person. Life is too short to brood on petty things like heart break. there are a lot of people out there who are actually made for you can you can choose the best one.
  11. Nomad

    Can you imagine a world without colors?

    Life without colors would be colorless but it would certainly exist. For example, dogs are color blind and they life their life. If the world did not have color, or let's say if I couldn't see colors, the life would exist but there wouldn't be beauty in the world
  12. Nomad

    Social Media Monetization

    These days you can monetize your activities on multiple social sites,. For instance, you can monetize Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, Youtube, etc. Have you monetized your social media page? What social media site have you monetized? How much money do you make from your social media pages...
  13. Nomad

    Should you drink water before, during or after the meals? How it impacts your digestion

    It does not matter whether you drink water pre meal or post meal, what actually matters is there is at least 30 minutes time difference. If you want to drink water before your meal, make sure you drink 30 minutes before your meal and if you want to drink after your meal, drink water only after...
  14. Nomad

    Do you play tennis?

    I sometimes watch tennis on TV, however, never in my life have I played tennis. I once held the racket and bounced a ball and that's all experience I have with tennis. Recently, I wanted to enroll my kid in a tennis class but I was surprised to learn how expensive the racket was and how...
  15. Nomad

    Online Business

    Do you have an online business? What kind of online business do you have? Do you sell products or services, do you sell physical products or digital products? What platform do you use to sell online? Do you make a good money from your online business? Well, I have a couple of online businesses...